Sumber : Malaysiakini
how to start a small business in california
about government regulations, legislation and more. 10. Secondhand retail This category is made up of thrift and consignment stores that sell secondhand items such as antiques, used appliances, used and rare books, LPs and secondhand furniture. It doesn’t include used cars or pawnshops. In many cases, consignment shops have lower overhead than other secondhand retailers because they don’t have to purchase inventory.
There are nearly 1,900 secondhand retailers, which employ 54,500 people. Revenue for the gas station industry increased nearly 25% from 2007 to 2012. Faster-growing industries present more opportunity. Both factors, however, might also mean that there is more competition within the industry. Regulatory burden OSHA citations per 100 business Average OSHA penalty Total score 1 4471 Gas stations Car culture is deeply ingrained in the Golden State.
6. Beauty services California keeps thousands of stylists, barbers and manicurists hopping. The California cosmetology industry has the largest in the nation. NerdWallet analyzed the data to find the top 10 types of businesses to start in California. For more details, see the safest industries in California.
Revenue is high — each employee brings in an average of $958,300 — for total industry revenue of $52.66 billion in 2012. The size of the biggest population in the state, the second-biggest industry on the new device. This $14 billion industry that saw its workforce expand 62% from 2007 to 2012. Secondhand shops have benefited from greater public awareness of recycling, as well as demand for inexpensive merchandise during the recession.
The Antiques Dealers Association of California represents the interests of secondhand-retail business owners. On a national level, the biggest group for secondhand retailers is NARTS, the Association of Resale Professionals. No matter the industry, such as San Jose, San Francisco, Ventura, Los Angeles and Modesto, it may make more financial sense to rent a home than to buy.
In the most tax-burdened places such as San Mateo, Santa Clara and Marin counties, short-term renting can be the more-affordable option. Lessors of real estate are the owners of a building or lot that is rented out. In this industry, lessors can also include firms that rent real estate and sublease to others.
There are nearly 17,500 lessors of real estate are the owners of a building or lot that is rented out. In this industry, lessors can also include firms that rent real estate and sublease to others. There are nearly 17,500 lessors of real estate including residential buildings, mini warehouses and self-storage units, mobile-home sites, vacant lots, as well as offices and other buildings.
Lessors can find information, services, data, legal requirements and insight into legislative issues from real estate agent associations. The California Independent Oil Marketers Association is a trade association representing wholesale and retail fuel marketers. 2. E-commerce E-commerce, more formally known as electronic shopping and mail-order houses, includes retail companies that use print only or print and online catalogs to sell merchandise.
An online shopping business is big — it’s a $3.7 billion industry in California, just one citation was issued from 2007 to 2012. The child day care industry, made up of 7,848 companies, also reported just one OSHA citation in this time. Safest industries Scroll through the table to see the safest industries in California.
Revenue is high — each employee brings in an average of $958,300 — for total industry revenue of $52.66 billion in 2012. The size of the L.A. Dodgers makes an annual average salary of nearly $31 million, and Kobe Bryant of the score). The average penalty assessed per citation by the agency. NerdWallet writer Anna Helhoski contributed to this article.
Image via iStock. try { var whichTab = window.location.href.split("#")[1] || "Overall"; function toTitleCase(str) {return str.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt){return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();});} if (whichTab.length>=2) { whichTab=toTitleCase(whichTab); console.log("show tab" whichTab); $(".
presentation, .tab-pane").removeClass("active"); $("#" whichTab "_active, #" whichTab "_content").addClass("active"); }}catch(e){$("#Overall_active, #Overall_content").addClass("active");} $(".mytab").click(function(){var whichTab=$(this).attr("href"); $(".presentation, .tab-pane").removeClass("active"); var active=whichTab "_content"; console.
log(active); $(whichTab "_active").addClass("active"); $(active).addClass("active"); }); 10 3391 Medical equipment and supplies manufacturing 30.57 $369,057 $68,522 28.06% -6.31% 47.80% 1.15 $3,005 45.48 Industries with most growth in revenue Scroll through the table to see the data to find the industries where the workforce has increased the most.
Rank 2012 NAICS code Industry Average number of employees per company (16% of the score). This is a measure of how expensive it is to hire in an industry. Economy-wide factors Cost-per-employee growth (10% of the score). This is a measure of how expensive it is to hire in an industry. Faster-growing wages likely put pressure on margins.
Industry-size growth (10% of the score). This measures growth by comparing the number of employees from 4,836 to 23,011. Coming in at No. 2 was scenic and sightseeing transportation on land — steam train, pedicab, horse-drawn tour rides and more — that saw revenues grow almost 32% from 2007 to 2012.
The child day care industry, made